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abouT Pat

“At the most critical moments, our elected leaders in Albany have let us down, proving they have lost touch with our needs. I’ve spent my entire personal and professional life immersed in our community, and whether it’s young families, senior citizens, or at-risk-youth, I know the challenges and concerns of our residents. I am ready to be the strong voice we need.”

Pat, I agree with you that we should not be footing the bill for educating undocumented immigrants bused to our community. Please add me to the list of Maryvale School District taxpayers demanding that New York City pay our district the $800,000 we are owed!

Thanks for signing our petition!


Pat Chludzinski | NYS Assembly District 143
Cheektowaga | Lancaster | Buffalo


New Leadership

For Western NY

Paid for by Chludzinski for Assembly

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